What's New

FormsFly is more than a mobile app platform – it’s a way to save oodles of time in your daily operations. This is why we’re aiming to smooth out your processes and make your workday as sweet as possible.

Brand New Sticker by Travelmeister

Autumn '23


In this release


Brand New Sticker by Travelmeister

Spring '23

Edge Users

Standing apart from our Standard and Premium users, this option is tailored for ad-hoc and low-usage or edge-case scenarios at a more affordable price.

In a nutshell, your core users would still need Standard or Premium user licenses. If you have someone on site who only ever does a monthly inspection, however, they would fit perfectly within the Edge user license. 


Web Forms Add-on

The new Web Forms feature is designed to cater to both regular and non-regular users, whether they are part of you organization or external.

With Web Forms, users can easily submit entries through a browser without the need for a user login. This is ideal for staff members, customers, guests, or visitors who need to provide information through a Web Form. Simply share a Web Form link that anyone can access. They can then fill out and submit the Form anonymously, triggering internal business processes or updating relevant details in your system.


Other New Features And Improvements in this release