Web Forms (Add-On)

If you're looking to provide quick data capture scenarios for users within or outside of your organization without needing to log in, then our Web Forms add-on might suit your needs.

Starting with 250 free monthly submissions aimed at non-regular users of your apps. Web form entries can be submitted via a browser without a user login by staff, guests, or visitors.

Supporting a range of field types for data capture and display for essential solutions on a single page with up to 50 fields. Web Form links can be shared with anyone to fill out a form and submit it anonymously, triggering internal business processes or simply updating details.

To use an example; suppose your team requires access to an incident report Form. While some staff members have regular access to the mobile app and can effortlessly submit the incident report Form, others may not need frequent app access but still need to submit the entry. To accommodate these non-regular users, you can generate a Web Form that they can use for submission. The remarkable aspect is that regular app users can submit the same Form directly within the mobile app.

Another example:  Let's say you onboard a new customer and need their details. Send them a Web Form to fill in their details and update your customer data source.

Or your customer has contacted you to conduct a service or installation. Send your customer a Web Form to accept a quote, gather more detailed information about what is required, and schedule a suitable time for you to do the job.

Solutions that weren't possible before are now, potentially expanding your organization's use cases with our platform.

Try this option for FREE for 30 days by visiting the billing page and clicking the TRY button.

In this article

Enable Add-On

Before creating a Web Form, you'll need to activate the Web Forms Add-On on your Billing page (Platform Side Menu: Enterprise > Billing).

Create a Web Form

Once enabled, create a new Data Entry Screen as you usually would for an App Form on the Screens page (Platform Side Menu: Apps > Screens) and tick the "Deploy to Web" option to launch the Web Form Designer.

Design Considerations

  • Single-page web form
  • Max 50 fields per web form
  • No location-based data capture (i.e., Location field and field location properties)
  • Upload option required (added by default when creating a new Web Form)
  • Anonymous form submissions (by Web Form user in Data Feed views)
  • Free 250 upload limit (billable submissions thereafter)