Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the more common questions we get asked

The mobile app will synchronise of its own accord, but if you need to force it to sync, just tap the button at top right which looks like a “ship’s wheel”.  That will take you to the settings screen, where you will see a FORCE SYNC button.

You can have as many as you like!  You can also decide which users see which forms, by using folders and groups.  Contact us for help on that, if you’re interested.

We call that “tasking” and it’s absolutely possible. As a start, you can send the forms from the Web Admin Platform (check out Tasks & Despatch on the menu). Or you could get a programmer to link your office systems so that they can send tasks to FormsFly via our API programming interface.  Tasking is available with our “Feast” level account, and on all free trial accounts.

Folders with user access restrictions are useful for situations where different groups/teams are using the same app, but need to see different screens/docs when they log in.

The platform allows various levels of Screen or Document access or viewing.

Photos or images that are captured via Media fields in your Form will be automatically resized to a maximum height/width of 800 pixels.

This default ensures that captured images do not consume large amounts of the user’s mobile data during uploads, and maintains reasonable quality for printing and PDF outputs.

App crashes are annoying and we work really hard to do what we can to avoid them happening in FormsFly. But every app crashes sometimes so it’s important to understand a little but about why and what to do if it happens to you. Most of this advice applies as much to other apps on your device as it does to FormsFly.

Here is the current rule of thumb when it comes to restricting visibility/access to content across the platform:

  • Access Permissions control the user’s visible areas and abilities on the Platform
  • User Groups and Folders control what specific Screens and other content the user sees on the Platform and app
  • Formula filters can control what the user sees within a specific Screen on the app