Edge Users

Standing apart from our Standard and Premium users, this option is tailored for ad-hoc and low-usage or edge-case scenarios at a more affordable price.

In a nutshell, your core users would still need Standard or Premium user licenses. If you have someone on site who only ever does a monthly inspection, however, they would fit perfectly within the Edge user license. 

Some criteria are that your account must have a minimum of 30 users or 30% of the total user count (whichever is higher) billed as Standard or Premium users. This is referred to as the “core group.” Edge users can’t be the sole user type in your account. 

The feature accessibility of Edge users depends on the license type held by the core group. If the core group consists primarily of Premium users, then Edge users can access Premium features. Similarly, if the core group consists of more Standard users, then Edge users will be restricted to Standard features.

Regardless of feature access, all Edge users are subject to the following:

  • 10 included transactions per user per month, including Form Entries and/or Tasks. These included transactions will be pooled together. For instance, if you have 30 Edge users, the transaction pool will be 300, available for all Edge users.
  • Usage exceeding the pooled number of transactions will be invoiced afterward at a per-transaction cost.
  • Edge users will not have access to the administration Portal. They will only have access to the app itself.

Please get in touch with FormsFly to discuss enabling Edge Users on your account.


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