Functions and Formulae
Below is a comprehensive list of FormsFly formula functions that can be used in various field properties throughout the platform wherever the hammer icon is present.
1. Contextual | 8. Choices |
2. System Values | 9. Repeats/Tables |
3. Maths | 10. Lists/Sets of Values |
4. Text/String | 11. Data Sources |
5. Date/Time | 12. Location |
6. Logic | 13. Data Interchange |
7. Data Conversion |
1. Contextual
Purpose | Function |
User's Email Address | USEREMAIL() |
User's First Name | USERFIRSTNAME() |
User's Last Name | USERLASTNAME() |
User's External Id | USEREXTERNALID() |
Value Matches Current User | USERINGROUP() |
Organisation Name | ORGNAME() |
Global Value | GLOBALVAL('keyname') |
Organisation Meta Value | ORGMETA('key') |
User Meta Value | USERMETA('key') |
Device Name | DEVICENAME() |
Operating System Name | DEVICEOS() |
Operating System Version | DEVICEOSVERSION() |
Current App Version | APPVERSION() |
Current Screen Version | SCREENVERSION() |
Screen Last Updated (UTC) | SCREENDATE() |
Direct Value | VAL('dataname') |
Screen Parameter | COUNTER() |
Linked Task Data - APP ONLY | TASK('key') |
2. System Values
Purpose | Function |
Current Date | TODAY() |
Current Date and Time | NOW() |
Current UTC (GMT) Date | UTCTODAY() |
Current UTC (GMT) Date & Time | UTCNOW() |
3. Maths
You must put a space between mathematical operators. e.g. {{price1}}-{{price3}} is not valid, but {{price1}} - {{price3}} is valid.
Purpose | Function |
Add | + |
Subtract | - |
Multiply | * |
Divide | DIV |
Modulo | MOD |
Rounding | ROUND(value, decimals) |
Maximum | MAX(val1, val2) |
Minimum | MIN(val1, val2) |
Truncate | TRUNC(val) |
Power | POW(val, power) |
Floor | FLOOR(val) |
Ceiling | CEILING(val) |
Absolute | ABS(val) |
Random Number | RANDOM(length) |
4. Text/String
Purpose | Function |
Join bits of text together | CONCAT(value1, value2, ...) |
Get part of a piece of text | |
Length of a piece of text | STRING-LENGTH(value) |
Join values with a separator | JOIN(separatorString, value1, value2, ...) |
Substitute new text for old text | SUBSTITUTE(val, old_text, new_text) |
Lower Case | LOWER(val) |
Upper Case | UPPER(val) |
Starts With | STARTSWITH(val, startswith) |
Contains Text | CONTAINS(val, contains) |
Index / Position of Text | INDEXOF(input, value, optionalStartIndex, optionalCount) |
Split String | SPLIT(input, delimiter, optionalIndex) |
Random String | RANDOMSTR(length) |
New Line Character | "\n" |
5. Date/Time
Purpose | Function |
Add To Date | DATEADD(startdate, numberunits, unit) |
Difference Between Dates | DATEDIFF(startdate, enddate, unit) |
Convert UTC Date to Local Date | DATETOLOCAL (utcdateval) |
Convert Local Date to UTC Date | DATETOUTC (localdateval) |
Year | YEAR(dateval) |
Month | MONTH(dateval) |
Day | DAY(dateval) |
Hour | HOUR(dateval) |
Minute | MINUTE(dateval) |
Second | SECOND(dateval) |
Day of Week | DAYWEEK(dateval) |
Day of Year | DAYYEAR(dateval) |
Week of Year | WEEKYEAR(dateval) |
Creation Date / Time of Image | IMGDATE(imagefield) |
6. Logic
Purpose | Function |
Not | NOT(val) |
And | AND |
Or | OR |
True | TRUE() |
False | FALSE() |
Equal to | = |
Greater than Greater than or equal | > >= |
Less than Less than or equal | < <= |
Conditional (if/else) | IF(condition, trueval, falseval) |
Is Blank or Empty | ISBLANK(val) |
Not Blank or Empty | NOTBLANK(val) |
First non-empty value | COALESCE(val1, val2) |
Regularly used expressions | REGEX(input, pattern) |
Regular Expression Replacement | REPLACE(input, pattern, replacement) |
7. Data Conversion
Purpose | Function |
Convert to number | NUMBER(value) |
Convert to string | STRING(value) |
Convert to date | DATE(value) |
Convert Date to text in a particular format | FORMAT-DATE(value, format) |
Format Number to Text | FORMAT-NUM(val, format, optionalCulture) |
Format Location to Text | FORMAT-GEO(val, format) |
To Integer | INT(val) |
To Boolean | BOOLEAN(val) |
To CheckBox (Ticked or Crossed) | CBOX(val, matchTo) |
To CheckBox (Ticked or Blank) | CBOXB(val, matchTo) |
To File URL | FILEURL(fieldname) |
8. Choices
Purpose | Function |
Check if an answer is selected | SELECTED(dataname, value) |
Count selected items | COUNT-SELECTED(dataname) |
9. Repeats/Tables
Purpose | Function |
Repeat/Row Position | POSITION({{repeat}}) |
Prior Repeat Values | PRIOR('dataname', occurrences) |
Count no of repeats | COUNT({{repeat}}) |
Add repeated values | SUM({{numfield}}) |
Average Repeat/Rows | AVERAGE({{numfield}}) |
Median Repeat Value | MEDIAN({{numfield}}) |
Maximum from a list of repeated values | MAX({{numfield}}) |
Minimum from a list of repeated values | MIN({{numfield}}) |
First Repeat Value | FIRST({{repeatfield}}) |
Last Repeat Value | LAST({{repeatfield}}) |
Join repeat answers with a separator | JOIN(separatorString, repeatvalue) |
10. Lists/Sets of Values
Purpose | Function |
List of Values | LIST(pattern, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Convert To List | TOLIST(value, 'optionaldelimiter', 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Convert To List (Multi-field) | TOLIST({{myfield1}}, {{myfield2}}, ..., {{myfieldN}}, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
In List of Values | IN(value, list) |
NOT In List of Values | NOTIN(value, list) |
Count List Values | COUNT(list) |
Sum List Values | SUM(list) |
Average List Value | AVERAGE(list) |
Median List Value | MEDIAN(list) |
Minimum List Value | MIN(list) |
Maximum List Value | MAX(list) |
First List Value | FIRST(list) |
Last List Value | LAST(list) |
11. Data Sources
Purpose | Function |
Count Rows | DSCOUNT(dsId, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Sum Values in Column | DSSUM(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Average Value in Column | DSAVG(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Maximum Value in Column | DSMAX(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Minimum Value in Column | DSMIN(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
First Value in Column | DSFIRST(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
Last Value in Column | DSLAST(dsId, columnIndex, 'optionalFilterFormula') |
12. Location
Purpose | Function |
Latitude | LAT(locationval) |
Longitude | LON(locationval) |
Heading | HEADING(locationval) |
Altitude | ALTITUDE(locationval) |
Accuracy | ACCURACY(locationval) |
Street Number | STREETNUM(locationval) |
Street Name | STREET(locationval) |
City / Locality | CITY(locationval) |
County / District | COUNTY(locationval) |
Postal / Zip Code | POSTCODE(locationval) |
Country Code | COUNTRY(locationval) |
Miles Between | MIBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) |
Kilometres Between | KMBETWEEN(startPoint, endPoint) |
Is In Polygon (geofence) | INPOLYGON(point, polygonPoints) |
12. Data Interchange
Purpose | Function |
HTTP status code | HTTPSTATUS({{restField}}) |
Value From JSON | JSONVAL({{myjson}}, 'resp.token') |
List of Values From JSON | JSONLIST({{myjson}}, '') |
Value From XML | XMLVAL({{myxmlfield}}, 'resp/token') |
List of Values From XML | XMLLIST({{myxml}}, 'resp/products/id') |