Hiding Calculations

Imagine you have the following Form fields:

  • "Enter Product Name" - a Text field with Dataname of productName
  • "Enter Product Cost" - a Number field with Dataname of productCost
  • "Enter Number of Items" - a Number field with Dataname of numberItems

Add a new Hidden field to your Form, and set the Dataname to be totalIncludingTax

On this new field, find the Dynamic Value property.
Its found under the Validation & Behavior property section of a field.

Enter the following formula into the Dynamic Value:
{{productCost}} * {{numberItems}} * 1.10

What we've done so far is add a hidden field (a field the app user will never see) which will store the result of the formula calculation. The formula is applying a 10% tax rate to the product cost amount. This field's value can no be used in other fields in the form and output.

This is the first example of how you can use the Dynamic Value property to calculate results.